EPICS: ESS Motor Record and Device/Driver support.

Maintainer: Torsten Bögershausen

GitHub repository: https://github.com/EuropeanSpallationSource/motor

This is the home page for the ESS fork of the EPICS motor module. The device/driver support for various motor controllers reside in submodules, starting in R7-0, and can be found here: epics-motor

Please email any comments to Torsten Bögershausen Bug reports can be created on github.

Where to Find it

You can download the software using the links in the table below:
Module Version EPICS Release - Range Filename Documentation Release Notice Known Problems Release Date
Latest R3.15.7 or later master.zip motorRecord.html README.md github issues n/a

Page Last Modified: 2024-11-13
Torsten Bögershausen